Month: November 2008

Winter in Saint-Tropez

Winter in Saint-Tropez

Just before the end of the year, I was in the mood for a ‘classic’ edition of the Radio Oh la la bash, classic meaning no high flying special guests, but some local kick derriere DJing nonetheless! And so Winter in Saint-Tropez at the De Nieuwe Anita on 13 December 2008 will feature DJ Guuzbourg (who is getting famous!) and yours faithfully DJ Natashka as well as Nieuwe Anita regulars Cowboy & Henk.

There will also be cocktails, champagne and films! And lovely people and couches to sit on and dancing and decorations and more!

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Winter in Saint-Tropez!

Winter in Saint-Tropez

Winter in Saint-Tropez at De Nieuwe Anita, 13 December 2008 featuring DJ Guuzbourg and yours truly DJ Natashka as well as Nieuwe Anita regulars Cowboy & Henk (formerly DJ Duo Studio 17). Cocktails, champagne and films, woohoo!

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